Waterproof Trail Cameras

I have been looking for a way to waterproof trail cameras for a little while and have tried a few things. Wide electrical tape had some promise but it did not work well in cold weather and it needed changed each time I checked each camera. Duct tape also worked but it also needed changed each time I checked the camera.

I had been looking for something that I could wrap around the camera case, something like a big rubber band. We had a couple of old inner tubes in the barn, so during the 2009 deer season I cut some bands from these old inner tubes and experimented by putting them around a couple of my trail cameras. The results were good so I cut more inner tube bands and have put them on most of my cameras. Since I started using the inner tube bands I have not had any water in any of my cameras.

One good thing about inner tubes is that they come in all sizes. I think that the inner tube that I used was a school bus tire tube.

Since it is hard to describe these inner tube bands I have taken a couple of pictures and included them below. If you have any questions about them let me know.

The first picture is one of my cameras with the tube around the camera and the second picture shows the inner tube band lying beside the camera.

Waterproof trail camera

Waterproof inner tube band

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