Whisker Biscuit Arrow RestWhen we first bought his Browning Micro Midas I wasn’t sure how much he would shoot and hunt with it so I bought him a cheap two prong arrow rest to start with. He spent a good bit of time both shooting and hunting with me. He also had a lot of frustration trying to keep his arrows on the two-prong rest so I thought that this arrow rest would help alleviate this problem. I was a little worried that he might have some trouble with arrow flight since his bow wasn’t jacked up to a high poundage. I envisioned the arrow just making it through the bristles on the rest and falling to the ground in front of him. I shot his bow after installing the rest and was pleasantly surprised. The arrows zipped right on through the Quick Shot rest without a hint of slowing down. This rest eased his mind when he was a young hunter giving him one less he had to think about. He got buck/doe fever just like the rest of us. Ryan has since moved on to a PSE Stinger and moved his arrow rest over to this bow and has shot some real nice bucks with it. In the fall of 2007 I purchased a new bow and after trying to set it up with a drop away rest I purchased a Whisker Biscuit for this bow. It has shot well and I shot the biggest buck I've ever shot with it on my first shot at a deer. I had read reports of the Whisker Biscuit tearing up fletching and we've seen a little bit of this happening with ours. If you have loose fletching it will definitely grab hold of them and rip them off. We use old arrows for the majority of our practice. Later we changed to smaller, stiffer fletching and we've had much fewer problems. We don't see the fletching problems to the extent that we used to. The whiskers on mine eventually wore down and I've tried a new rest. Ryan replaced the biscuit in mine and has put it on his wife's bow. Even though I've changed my arrow rest, I still say that the Whisker Biscuit is a good sturdy dependable arrow rest.