Whitetail Deer Food Plot Updates

The whitetail deer food plot updates are to help you keep track of how our food plots are doing and what we are doing to them. I have always enjoyed seeing how other hunters were planting their food plots and how they did so I thought that I would take you along as we struggle with our plots.

The whitetail deer food plot updates are updated monthly and you can now suscribe to recieve them via e-mail by signing up for The Food Plot Journal near the bottom of this page. If you do not want to wait until I get it added to this page you can sign up and recieve all of our latest food plot info by e-mail.

The links below include all of the updates since they started in March 2004 and will be kept up to date as each Food Plot Journal is written. Each issue has a picture of each of our food plots. Sometimes it is easier to show the condition of the food plot in a picture than it is to describe its condition. Take a look back through and maybe you can give us a suggestion or learn something to improve your whitetail food plots.


Winter 2016 The Food Plot Journal


Spring 2015 The Food Plot Journal


2014 The Food Plot Journal


Fall 2013 The Food Plot Journal

May 2013 The Food Plot Journal


Fall 2012 The Food Plot Journal

July 2012 The Food Plot Journal

June 2012 The Food Plot Journal

May 2012 The Food Plot Journal

April 2012 The Food Plot Journal

March 2012 The Food Plot Journal


September 2011 The Food Plot Journal

August 2011 The Food Plot Journal

July 2011 The Food Plot Journal

June 2011 The Food Plot Journal

May 2011 The Food Plot Journal

April 2011 The Food Plot Journal


September 2010 The Food Plot Journal

August 2010 The Food Plot Journal

July 2010 The Food Plot Journal

June 2010 The Food Plot Journal

May 2010 The Food Plot Journal

April 2010 The Food Plot Journal

March 2010 The Food Plot Journal


September 2009 The Food Plot Journal

August 2009 The Food Plot Journal

July 2009 The Food Plot Journal

June 2009 The Food Plot Journal

May 2009 The Food Plot Journal

April 2009 The Food Plot Journal

March 2009 The Food Plot Journal


October 2008 The Food Plot Journal

September 2008 The Food Plot Journal

August 2008 The Food Plot Journal

July 2008 The Food Plot Journal

June 2008 The Food Plot Journal

May 2008 The Food Plot Journal

April 2008 The Food Plot Journal

March 2008 The Food Plot Journal


October 2007 The Food Plot Journal

September 2007 The Food Plot Journal

August 2007 The Food Plot Journal

July 2007 The Food Plot Journal

June 2007 The Food Plot Journal

May 2007 The Food Plot Journal

April 2007 The Food Plot Journal

March 2007 The Food Plot Journal


November 2006 The Food Plot Journal

October 2006 The Food Plot Journal

September 2006 The Food Plot Journal

August 2006 The Food Plot Journal

July 2006 The Food Plot Journal

June 2006 The Food Plot Journal

May 2006 The Food Plot Journal

April 2006 The Food Plot Journal

March 2006 The Food Plot Journal


September 2005 The Food Plot Journal

August 2005 The Food Plot Journal

July 2005 The Food Plot Journal

June 2005 The Food Plot Journal

May 2005 The Food Plot Journal

April 2005 The Food Plot Journal

March 2005 The Food Plot Journal


November 2004 The Food Plot Journal

October 2004 The Food Plot Journal

September 2004 The Food Plot Journal

August 2004 The Food Plot Journal

July 2004 The Food Plot Journal

July 5,2004 Food Plot Update.

June 25,2004 Food Plot Update.

June 10, 2004 Food Plot Update.

May 31, 2004 Food Plot Update.

May 15, 2004 Food Plot Update.

May 8, 2004 Food Plot Update.

April 24, 2004 Food Plot Update.

April 10, 2004 Food Plot Update.

March 2004 Food Plot Update.

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whitetail deer in food plot

This whitetail deer was caught in our food plot by one of our digital scouting cameras.

Leave the Whitetail Deer Food Plot Updates and visit the Main Food Plot Page.

Leave the Whitetail Deer Food Plot Updates and learn how we have been planting food plots for deer.

Visit the Deer Food Plot Management Page.

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