American Whitetail Deer Hunting Tips and Resources

American Whitetail Deer Hunting Tips and Resources is a book written by Terry Townsend, an avid deer hunter from Tennessee. Terry has been hunting whitetail deer for 35 years and has put all of the knowledge that he has gained over these years into a book for us all to learn from.

In Terry's own words the book contains the following information:

"The whitetail deer of North America is one of the most illusive and cunning creatures to harvest consistently year after year. The hunter must first become knowledgeable of the animals strengths and weaknesses, his habits, food sources, body language, rutting/mating habits, senses, vocal sounds, habitat, predators, etc. in order to match wits with him. This book covers all of these things in depth plus much more. Learn everything from included packing lists to how to prepare your venison for the table. You will become familiar with hunting strategies and tactics, selecting a stand location and how best to set up to hunt, how to still hunt, stalk, and track deer, how to deal with the scent problem and the ever changing wind. Become aware of deer in your hunting area that you didn't even know were there, totally undisturbed in their natural habitat, with the use of night vision cameras. Discover the importance and value of good shot placement, and how to retrieve and/or track your deer after he has been wounded or harvested. The field dressing, skinning, butchering, and packaging process for the freezer is an absolute necessity for each and every deer hunter. Educate yourself on how to rough score your buck to determine if he is a contender for the Boone & Crockett, or Pope & Young clubs record book. You will be able to age your deer using the most accurate method, the jaw bone tooth chart method. As a bonus, you will receive over twenty-five great venison recipes, and hundreds of whitetail deer hunting and other related web site addresses in the last two chapters."

As you can tell, Terry has included everything in this book. We can all learn something from American Whitetail Deer Hunting Tips and Resources.

You can order your copy of American Whitetail Deer Hunting Tips and Resources here.

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