Whitetail Pro Log
Deer Management Software

Keeping track of your deer harvests is one of the essential management tools for us amateur deer managers. I have just recently tried using Whitetail Pro Log deer management software even though I have records of every deer shot on our hunting property back to the 1970’s.

Up until 1997 I kept track of the number of points, the hunter and the year of the harvest. Some time in the early 90’s we started weighing our deer as well but failed to record these weights for a few years.

From 1997 to the present we have been keeping better track of our deer harvests. We record date, time, hunter, weight, age, number of points and location. This information has helped us follow the trends in our deer harvest. We may not always be happy with the trends that we see but the facts speak for themselves and we do not have to rely on our feeble memories.

Recently I had an inquiry about deer management software and I also came into contact with the folks at Weekend Warrior Productions who make the Whitetail Pro Log deer management software.

Up until this point I have always been an “on paper” record keeper. Amazing, someone who likes to tinker with this deer hunting site still likes to keep some things on paper.

Whitetail Pro Log has proven to be very user friendly and handy. It took only a couple of hours from the time I installed the program to type in all of our harvest information dating back to 1997, which was 34 entries.

Whitetail Pro Log has several more categories than I currently keep such as weather information and antler scoring information but there isn’t anything that I keep track of that is not included in the program. If you have the antler measurements for your bucks you can input them and it will calculate the Boone and Crockett score.

After all of your information is typed in you can look at various graphs and charts to look for the trends. Since the large majority of the 34 entries we have in our database are does the body weight graphs are the most helpful. Only six of these 34 deer have been bucks. It’s hard to get a trend on six entries.

My next project will be to input the information from the preceding 20 years but this information is limited to year, hunter and number of antler points so it will not be of much assistance to me in looking for trends.

You can visit their website at Whitetail Pro Log.com to take a look at their deer management software.

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