WhitetailCam Picture Quality

The WhitetailCam received an A for picture quality. The Sony DSC-P41 is the same camera that is in the EagleEye, which has been giving us very good pictures since the early fall of 2004. This experience was the reason that we used the P41 in the WhitetailCam and we have not been disappointed.

The WhitetailCam picture quality has been excellent so far and the pictures below are examples of pictures taken in the evening, nighttime, morning and during the daytime.

WhitetailCam evening deer picture

WhitetailCam nighttime deer picture

WhitetailCam morning deer picture

WhitetailCam daytime deer picture

This is a picture of a wide racked buck also taken with the WhitetailCam.

Picture of eight point buck taken with a WhitetailCam

You can see more pictures from the WhitetailCam and many of our other digital game cameras here.

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