01/25/2008 pennsylvania buck

by Quinn Heckman
(Spring Mills PA)

Pennsylvania  01/25/2008

Pennsylvania 01/25/2008

This picture was taken out back of my house after all seasons were over. I've been watching him for 5 years now and haven't been able to get him.

Comments for 01/25/2008 pennsylvania buck

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Dec 01, 2009
Nice Rack
by: Doody

I feel your pain brother the same happened to me. Check out my monsters under West Virgina bucks on this site.

Jul 23, 2008
by: Mike

Keep at it, that is some buck.

Feb 03, 2008
Wow what a buck!!!!!!!!!!
by: Tim Draheim

Nice deer, maybe next season will be the one for you to finally bag that monster. Seems to me that he has hung on to his antlers late into the season. Is that true or out of the ordinary? I have hunted muzzleloader in WV in mid December and have seen bucks who have all ready shed their antlers. Anyways great picture and hope you get to see him next season.

Feb 02, 2008
its okay
by: jackrfye

Thats small to what Ive seen

Jan 27, 2008
by: Joeybsmith

Great pic, very nice buck, Very nice

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