Deer Droppings 2020

Welcome to our deer droppings from 2020.  Hopefully we'll find some interesting things to show you.

We first saw this lone flower last spring. It's along the old road we travel to get to our feeders, mineral licks and hunting spots. In other words, we drive past this area all the time.

I'm no flower expert so I don't have any idea what this flower is, but is sure is pretty.

I remembered that last year it was a pink. When we first saw it this year it was pure white so we thought that maybe it changed color from year to year. Nope, a couple of weeks later it turned the light pink that you see in the picture.

An Easter Flower? Notice any symbolism there?

I know, this has nothing to do with deer hunting, but is that really what this is all about. Let's enjoy the deer woods for all the enjoyment it can give.

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