11 Point or More You Tell Me

by Mike Clopp
(Warren PA )

11 Point

11 Point

Some people think they see more than eleven points. I figure he is in the high 120 to low 130's, this pic was in northwest PA.

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Oct 08, 2015
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Dec 03, 2009
Nice Buck
by: Doody Cook

That buck is easy 130 he has alot of mass. Check out my pics at West Virgina Bucks on this site.

Sep 24, 2008
more pics
by: Anonymous

i got a bunch more pic he is an eleven point i have other pictures of some bigger bucs but i cant get them to post

Sep 10, 2008
Nice buck
by: John

That is a good looking buck, but I can't quite count the number of points. He looks like he has good mass.

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