13 yr old "GIRL" Shoots Washington New Velvet Youth Record

by Jim Sutton
(Spokane, Washington)

LaFawn and Polka Dot

LaFawn and Polka Dot

This is my daughter and her second buck ever, shot Sept 1st, 2010. She named him polka dot in the spring, when he had two warts, one in each ear. She took him at 10 yards with her bow. Green score 8x8 181 1/8gross and 172 4/8 net.

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Oct 29, 2015
response NEW
by: jim sutton

Maybe you should look into the world of hunting before you make such stupid comments.

Oct 29, 2015
response NEW
by: jim sutton

Maybe you should look into the world of hunting before you make such stupid comments.

Oct 29, 2015
response NEW
by: jim sutton

Maybe you should look into the world of hunting before you make such stupid comments.

Oct 22, 2015
shock NEW
by: http://ukpaperwriting.com/essayhelp24-com-review/

I'm purely shocked at your actions in nature! What for to shoot the innocent bucks?!!

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