2013 Bobcat Pictures

Welcome to our 2013 bobcat pictures page.  We only got four bobcat pictures in 2012 and we got two pictures already in January 2013.  Hopefully we'll get more this year.

We got two bobcat pictures in December.  The first checking out some protein feed and the second moving through a food plot in the hayfield.  We'd sure like to know how big this bobcat is.

Our camera caught this bobcat walking through a food plot on November 19th between bear sightings.  It's been a good year for bobcat pictures.

We got these next two bobcat pictures along a logging road monitoring a deer scrape.  The pictures were taken about 15 hours apart on October 30th.  I'm thinking we should leave a camera along this road year-round.

Our third bobcat picture of the year comes less than a month after the second.  We still have deer scrapes closely monitored, but this bobcat was caught walking past a feeder.  After this picture the bobcat walked closer to the camera for a closer look.  Unfortunately that picture wasn't good enough to add to this page.

This is our second bobcat picture of 2013.  We had put this camera on a fresh deer scrape in late September and got a picture of this bobcat walking by.  We've always got good pictures of deer and a bobcat here and there along this logging road.  Maybe we should monitor the road year-round.

We got these two bobcat pictures in the same location with two different cameras.  Even though this is the same bobcat and the pictures were probably taken within seconds with each other, we're counting these as two bobcat pictures.

Take a look at our 2012 Bobcat Pictures.
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