2014 Black Bear Pictures

Welcome to our 2014 black bear pictures.  We had four sets of pictures last year and they proved to be destructive visits.  A black bear has little patience.  They don't like waiting for the deer feeder to spin, they want it all.

I'd like to see us get more black bear picture without them destroying something.

The black bear showed up again this week and we got 32 pictures of him.  We picked out the 8 best to show you.  He stuck around this week and ate a lot of the feed we had left for the deer.  Next week we may get some pictures of his reaction to our new feeder design.

We had a third feeder that the black bear hadn't found.......yet.  This week he found it.  He also walked past the middle clearing where we used to have a feeder and we had left feed in a bucket for the deer to eat.  He knocked the bucket over and didn't even stick around and eat it. 

After this black bear having his way with two of our deer feeders two of the previous weeks he came back by both locations this past week.  At least we were smart enough not to put up fresh feeders for him to destroy.

A black bear showed up two weeks ago and destroyed a feeder on a Friday night after we had removed our cameras so we didn't get any pictures if it.  He showed up the next night at another feeder shortly after we had set up our cameras and destroyed another feeder.  He then showed up over the next few days so we got quite a few pictures.

Our first set of black bear pictures came in May and this bear destroyed two of our feeders.  If there was a good side to this visit, it was that we got some real nice pictures.  We even caught him smelling one camera real close.  Did you ever wonder what a black bears nose looks like up real close?

Take a look at our black bear pictures from 2013.
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