2015 Bobcat Pictures

Welcome to our 2015 bobcat pictures page.  The past two years have been good years.  We had ten bobcat pictures last year and nine in 2013.  The interesting thing is that we get pictures of them, but none of us have ever seen one.  Maybe this will be the year we finally get to see one.

A black bear has dominated our headlines lately so we were surprised to see this bobcat show up shortly after a black bear had left.  With the number of bobcat pictures we're getting I'm starting to think that we have more bobcats on our property than I had thought.

We got two more bobcat pictures this week.  One in the same location as last week and another in the daylight walking past a camera at an attractant location near the middle clearing.

We got two pictures of this bobcat, one as he traveled each way.  The food plot he is walking through has been tilled up and isn't attracting much use right now.  It's funny that he is walking through at this time.

We got three pictures in our first set for 2015.  We've seen bobcats in this location at the end of the hayfield before so we weren't completely surprised to see one here.  These are some good pictures.

Go back and take a look at the 2014 Bobcat Pictures.
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