2015 Coyote Pictures

Welcome to our 2015 coyote pictures.  Our first coyote picture this year was late March and the second came in April.  Last year we got our first three pictures in March.  Maybe we just started watching this spot later this year.

Last year we captured twenty one pictures that made it to our pages.  Everything I read tells me that we can't eradicate them and to be honest we've only killed one ourselves so we're not much of a danger to them.  All that to say that we should get plenty of coyote pictures this year.

We put this camera on a trail entering our hayfield to see bucks, but caught this coyote using the same trail.  You never know what you're going to see.

We got five pictures of this coyote, three of which we thought were good enough to post here.  The coyote laid down briefly before getting up and walking off.

We caught the next coyote picture in the same location as the first.  This is our best spot for coyote pictures and has been for years.  It seems they would rather cross in this field than go through the woods.

These are our first two coyote pictures for 2015.  They're not the greatest, but we've had much worse.  We finally fired up the Reconyx in the hayfield food plot that funnels animal traffic down to a pinch point.

Take a look at our 2014 Coyote Pictures.
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