2019 Late Summer Buck Pictures

We put a couple of our trail cameras out last August to see what kind of bucks we had running around.  We had already seen the big eleven point in a food plot from the house.  The naked eye showed us he was a dandy.  Our binoculars proved it.  We knew we had at least one real nice buck.  The pictures showed us we had a couple other bucks that showed some promise for future years.  These pictures cover the velvet days and the days shortly after shedding velvet.

This is the buck we saw from the house.  We knew from pictures taken in late 2018 that we had a nice buck.  Now we get to see how big he is this year.

Here is an eight point in velvet that shows great promise.  I think he was with the eleven point when we watched him from the house.  To be honest though, I didn't look at the other deer much when the big eleven was around.

No trophy yet, nice picture.  We need him to live in this mineral lick and food plot.

The eleven point after shedding velvet.  Yes velvet shedding does cause a loss of perceived size.

This is a nine point that I don't think we saw much of throughout the season.

Another eight point.  Is this the same buck from the first velvet eight point above?  This buck proved elusive to my eyes during the season.

Take a look at all of our Whitetail Deer Photographs.
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