2019 Survivor Bucks

We kept our cameras out at the end of the deer season to see what survived.  We were happy to see that all of the eight point or bigger bucks that we had seen had survived.  I probably don't need to say that this is rare.  Unfortunately I don't have pictures of them all.  I think there were about five of them and we have pictures of three of them for this page.

Here is the eleven point buck caught by a camera watching a scrape in early December.  We found one side of this sheds and looked hard for the other side but to no avail.

The same buck on Dec 8th at a sweet feed spot.  We're experimenting with a different feeding plan this year.  Buck and antler size later this year will reveal how it works.

The biggest eight point at a scrape along a food plot.

The same eight point.  He's grabbing a bite of sweet feed too at a different location.

The small eight point with the white patches on his front leg.  I'm pretty sure we found at least one of his sheds.  We found sheds from three different bucks of this size.  One complete set that were shed right next to each other less than 200 feet from the house.

The same eight point and a younger fellow.

Take a look at all of our Whitetail Deer Photographs.
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