Three weeks on our cameras this round and we got three bear pictures in two different locations. Unfortunately two of the three didn't have enough light to make the grade. Do you suppose this bear is the momma bear?
Our camera was out for eleven days at one of our feeders and we caught a family of bears. This has been rare for us over the years. To give you a size reference the winch handle is about chest high on me. If you zoom in you can see the cub is smelling the handle. I wonder what it was able to smell.
We put our feeders back up and this feeder was visited twice by a black bear. We'll never know if it was the same bear. We just caught a glimpse of black hair on the first visit. This is the picture from the second visit. I'm no bear expert, but this bear looks pretty big.
Black bear pictures have become common enough that we're not surprised anymore when we capture one. We put one camera back out and within the first couple of weeks we got a picture. Still haven't seen on "in person" yet.
This if our first picture this year. He's checking out a crabapple tree the deer use as a licking branch.