April 10, 2015 Whitetail Photographs

It's finally getting green, as a matter of fact we'll need to mow grass next week. This means that the deer have a lot of fresh new growth to eat. This set of pictures may not show a lot of green, but it was there on Friday and we're glad to see it.

Now that it's getting green we'll watch to see if they keep eating our protein feed. In past years they don't come to our protein feed once it greens up. That tells me that they have plenty of good food to eat once it greens up.

Of course the bucks haven't started growing their next set of antlers yet, but you can see the gray bump there. We put out some 30-06 vitamin mineral supplement for them and posted cameras to see how much they use it. They usually start using out licks about this time of the year.

The last time we left, we put the Reconyx in the usual spot in the hayfield and it came through with one coyote picture. Not a great one, but finally a coyote picture none the less.

A close up of a young buck.

Here's a nice picture of a buck at one of our protein feed spots.

This buck looks like he's entering spring in good condition.

How about an up close of our over bite buck.

An evening picture of a buck in a food plot.

This buck's antlers look like they're just about to pop.

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