April 12th Whitetail Photos

Spring has arrived and you can see a difference in the pictures as the woods started to green up. The deer usually move to the new green buds this time of the year and we see them less at the feeders. We saw them less on camera as the week went on.

We don't have any large antlered buck pictures yet, but we still have some interesting ones. I'm not sure how much longer turkey gobblers will make the picture page. The gobblers are putting on quite a show these days.

We were still able to pick out the wounded buck this week although it was difficult. I'm hoping that he keeps some type of mark to help us identify him this summer. It will be interesting to see if the injury affects his antler growth.

We didn't get any bobcat, coyote or black bear pictures this week. Check back next week.

This weeks pictures were taken with our Bigfoot SLE, Woodland SpyCam, Whitetail EagleEye, Penns Woods DS-07 and Stalkercam.

Two gobblers showing two colors. It's amazing how they change color so quickly. Bigfoot SLE

A buck in the early morning sunlight. Penns Woods DS-07

The wounded buck. We're still able to pick him out. Woodland SpyCam

A close up of what looks like a little buck. StalkerCam

The other deer just have to make fun of our overbite buck. StalkerCam

The white foot buck has a start on his antler growth. Whitetail EagleEye

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