April 24,2015 Whitetail Photographs

The black bear showed up this week, but we didn't leave anything for him to tear up. He showed up two hours and twenty minutes after Megan and I set up our cameras. Maybe he heard us and thought that we had put out more corn for him. Not this time.

The bucks antlers are continuing to sprout. One buck might have two inch long antlers. He could be a trophy!

The camera at the end of the hayfield got several pictures. This old stand-by came through again. The camera on one food plot didn't have many pictures at all. I moved it out along the road to see what we can see. The camera I forgot to turn on didn't catch a thing!!

We got a good picture of the black bear when he visited this week so make sure you check out the black bear page.

Here's a buck that has bumps on his head.

A buck in the same location with the largest antlers we have.

This looks like a young buck.

Another young buck with sprouting antlers.

This buck looks a little scruffy.

Could this be our biggest buck?

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