Atkins Arkansas Doe with a bow.

by Weston
(Atkins Arkansas)

 My Doe

My Doe

Hi my name is Weston Drake Jones, I live on a chicken farm in Atkins. I'm 12 years old, I used a cross bow and got very lucky my dad was there to calm me down. See I've got bad Buck Fever.

The hunt all started at one of my best friend's house. This being my first time bow hunting I didn't know how it would turn out. Well when we got to his house we looked at my bow and the site was moving, so we grabbed his target and with the head lights of my dads truck we got it sighted in. My dad had saw a doe at one of the three stands there were at our friends house and our friend killed a good 7 pt buck on another the previous day. Also it was October 6, 2007 two days after my birthday and it was real hot. We got on the stand around 7:00am. We went to a stand that my brother killed a 7 pt off of two years before. We sat for about 2 hours and out stepped a doe at 100 yards and we didnt know if our friend would let me shoot a doe or not. So I got my cell phone out and called him he said that I could shoot anything and the more I looked at her I saw her leg was messed up, she couldnt walk on it. My dad said,' That's the doe I saw yesterday. The stand that he saw her at was only 200 yards away. She came to 30 yards and I put an arrow right through her lungs, she ran 30 yards and fell dead.

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