August 1st Whitetail Photographs

August 1st, so the bucks are showing us about as much as they're going to get. For the rest of the month they'll likely add a bit more tine length and then harden to prepare for velvet shedding. We won't have the biggest buck we've ever had, but we do have three real nice ones.

Taking a look at last years pictures shows that one ten point grew the most from last year. He was a respectable young eight point last year and has grown into a nice ten point this year. The other ten point has grown from last year, but it doesn't look like he'll be a lot bigger and the big eight point looks like he's going to be bigger, but not jaw dropping growth. The buck with the overbite, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be any bigger than last year at this point.

One disappointment has been our cameras at our apple trees. We ussually get real nice pictures at them, but so far this year it's been tough. We're going to try at least one more week.

We had three feeders out for the first time this week and a black bear found one and ruined it on Friday night. We just can't win. I'd hoped they had moved elsewhere. I'm not sure what we're going to do.

After a pretty good run of coyote and bobcat photo weeks we came up blank this week. Maybe next week.

This buck is our most improved from last year. Do you take a chance and let him go one more year?

We get quite a few pictures of this young buck each week.

We did catch this small six point at the apple trees.

This buck may be our biggest, but we don't think he's much bigger than last year.

We're just not sure this buck is bigger than last year.

The overbite buck doesn't look any bigger than last year. What do we do about this?

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