August 10th Deer Photographs

One week on this set of pictures and we're thin on buck pictures. We only got five different bucks over six points this week. We didn't catch any of the ten point bucks.

We had put a camera out in the hayfield to try to catch a ten point that went by in the previous set of pictures and didn't catch him this week. We also put a camera in another food plot where a larger buck had been caught in the background and didn't have any success there either. We left the first camera up and moved the second one.

The interesting find this week is a nearly matching set of bucks, a six point and a seven point. We thought that we had one seven point and then realized that there is a six point that doesn't have any brow tines.

We didn't get any coyote or bobcat pictures again this week. It's been a while, but you never know when they'll show up so stay tuned next week to see if we can find them.

This weeks pictures were taken with our Trail Watcher 4220, Treebark Cameras 4.1, Trail Watcher 2060 and Swamp Ghost.

One eye showed up on the camera we set up to catch a ten point in a food plot. Trail Watcher 2060

Instead of a big buck we caught these fighting does. Swamp Ghost

Here is the seven point. Trail Watcher 4220

This is the best picture we got of the white foot buck. Trail Watcher 4220

The six point with no brow tines. How much does he look like the seven point above? Treebark Cameras 4.1

The eight point that shows promise. Treebark Cameras 4.1

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