August 15th Whitetail Photographs

Once again this week we didn't get a picture of one of our bigger bucks. The big eight point didn't show up in front of any of our cameras. We are hoping this buck sticks around the middle clearing food plot area, but they're hard to tie up and keep them exactly where you want them. The good news is that the ten point at the old house did show up this week and we got some nice pictures of him.

Our cameras caught the black bear at both feeder locations again this week. He thought we were crazy enough to put another feeder up for him to destroy. We had only left a small amount of corn at the middle food plot location to keep the deer interested. This week we left them a combination of corn, sweet feed and minerals at both locations. Since we can't leave them a constant supply from the feeders we're looking to give them something of better quality.

The hayfield didn't provide any good pictures last week so this week we're trying a camera along the old logging road. During the fall we get good pictures along this road so we'll see what we get today. We could get some good pictures here.

Our biggest buck........not sure, I still think it may be the eight point we didn't get a picture of this week.

The two black bear walk thrus provided two good pictures so make sure you take a look at them this week.

Glad we got this one back this week. Maybe he's not a black bear fan.

The young eight point. We're not the only critter those lousy sticky things cling to.

These two bucks are close to a mile from where we normally see them.

The overbite buck, not quite as big as we hoped he would be this year.

The other ten point, up close.

We've been seeing this little six point a lot lately.

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