August 19th, 2015 Whitetail Photographs

This weeks pictures are dominated by a black bear, but let's talk deer first. We only got pictures of five bucks this week. The ten point with short G-2's didn't show up at any of our cameras this week. He's been a regular but not this week. Maybe he's not a fan of the black bear. I would imagine that we will see him next week.

Our biggest buck, who is now a nine point showed up in more than one spot this week. He'd been a little hard to see the past couple of weeks. Can't quite figure them out.

The overbite buck is still real active and we saw him at the middle clearing on Wednesday evening.

We moved most of our cameras to our feeders this week. We've put 3 small bucket feeders hanging high off tree limbs and we want to see how the bear will react so we aren't watching any licking branches or apple trees this week. He could be quite entertaining when he tries to get high in the little limbs of these trees.

Make sure you check out the black bear picture page. We got a lot of pictures of him this week. Unfortunately he's become a regular.

We also got two bobcat pictures this week. One is in the daylight, which is uncommon for us to see.

Here is the ten point buck we've been having a hard time catching with our cameras.

Our seven point buck with a trophy spike behind him.

Here is a funny interaction between the seven point and a fawn.

The buck we saw on Wednesday evening at a different location than this.

Our biggest buck showed up on camera more this week.

Another eight point that has potential over the next couple of years.

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