August 31st Whitetail Photos

If this set of pictures is any indication the bucks have started to wander a bit. We didn't get a single picture of the big ten point or the eight point with little brow tines. On the other hand, we got pictures of three bucks that we hadn't seen before this year. All three were walking through one of our food plots that funnels the deer.

We also had some camera problems. Two nine volt batteries went dead taking two cameras out while I didn't set up another camera correctly so we had three cameras that didn't take their usual volume of pictures. These camera problems may be the reason we didn't get pictures of some of our bucks.

Thankfully we still have the biggest eight point and one of the three new bucks is a decent looking nine point. It's going to be interesting to see if these three bucks show up in our next set of pictures and if any of the no-shows appear again on our cameras. All of the bucks still had velvet, but it wouldn't surprise me to see some of them shedding next week.

Once again we didn't get any black bear, coyote or bobcat pictures. Check back next time.

This weeks pictures were taken with our Whitetail EagleEye, Bigfoot SLE and Trail Watcher Researcher.

Here is a nine point buck we hadn't seen yet this year. Bigfoot SLE

This is the new ten point that showed up this week. Bigfoot SLE

This seven point showing up in the same location as the first two bucks. Bigfoot SLE

The tall racked eight point. Trail Watcher Researcher

The white foot buck has grown an impressive set of antlers this year. Trail Watcher Researcher

The wounded buck looks nice and healthy after healing from his wound. Whitetail EagleEye

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