Bad Rack

by Dan Fisher
(Edgar, NE., CLay)

Big Body But No Height

Big Body But No Height

Here is a deer I had to remove from our herd.. We have a lot of racks that are growing inward. Biologist told me that the bad genes are in the does?

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Sep 28, 2015
Need help? NEW
by: Anonymous

In order to take the dear out of your heard you can get some tips from do my homework online in cheap rates. Otherwise you can contact some rescue team for this work.

Dec 18, 2007
by: Anonymous

way to manage your land, its still a nice buck with good mass.

Dec 13, 2007
No Height Needed
by: Terry

In Mississippi we see many deer with inward growing racks and most are wall hangers. I never knew this was a bad trait. Don't tell folks around here that, or you might have trouble getting back across the state line. "Great Buck"

Nov 29, 2007
Bad Rack?
by: John

That buck would be a trophy in our neck of the woods. He looks like he has great mass.

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