Big Eight Point

by Cody Fuller
(Linden Texas)

Big Eight Point

Big Eight Point

This pic was taken in Linden Texas in east Texas and is behind my house, I hope to kill it this year.

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Oct 03, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

Association of the teachers and students is the main connection and joint on which the entire essay service in australia fabric of the studies is based and mounted. It is the need and utmost requirement of the times. The benefits are on the verge of the success and proficiency.

Aug 18, 2010
good deer
by: travis

Man thats a nice deer, I live in new boston, not far from you! Thats a great buck for this part of the country. Good luck on gettin him this fall!

Nov 20, 2008
Your Camera
by: Mike

Hi, I have a Wildview Game Camera II, It's ok
but it dosen't work right all the time.

I would like to know what type of Camera you have
and how you like it, also dose it have infar-red flash on it.

Thanks Mike
Beaumont, Texas

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