Black Coyote

by David
(Franklin, Alabama)

Black Coyote

Black Coyote

This picture was taken on my game camera this past weekend. This is the first time I have seen a black coyote.

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Nov 02, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

Importance and value of the study and education is kept on the rise and elevation for the dissertation writing services students and all individuals of the society. It is needed and in fact it is the demand of the entire members of the community to arrange for the study and inculcation of the information. It is live wire and central point for the success.

Mar 15, 2010
by: jordan

thats o young wolf

Dec 01, 2009
Not a coyote
by: Anonymous

I have seen these in person in the wild before. Im pretty sure they are not coyotes. I think they are called brush wolves. They are basically a mix between a coyote and wolves.

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