Bobcat Trio

Bobcat Family

Bobcat Family

Bobcats coming to roadkill deer dump.

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Mar 15, 2014
Pretty Rare! NEW
by: Anonymous

From what I've seen and heard this is really rare. They usually travel long distances over a 24 hour period on their own. In 2009 a bobcat (I.D.'d it's prints in the snow) massacred one of our pet rabbits. We found out they usually come back for their kills at a later date, so we set up our friends trail cam. Never came back. We left the camera out for a week. This was in southern Indiana.

Aug 21, 2009
Great Pic
by: Anonymous

This is a great Picture, But its only two Bobcat's the one on the hill is a racoon. See hoe the eyes glow a bright blue color in the light, a bobcats eyes are a gold color as you can see from the second cat in the picture. still a great picture thank you.

Aug 16, 2009
Awesome pic
by: James Whittemore

I think that first ones a has a big head.Thanks for sharing!

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