Dad's 7 Point

by Troy

My dad Roger Smithson, was hunting on tva several years ago during muzzleloader, he was sitting on a round hay bail not expecting to see anything. I'm not sure how long he sat there but this buck came out of nowhere and he took it dad just passed away two weeks ago from cancer at the age of 56 he was a great man and loved to hunt and I just wanted to share this with you.

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Sep 02, 2012
sorry NEW
by: troy smithson

im also sorry for your loss as well

Sep 02, 2012
thanks NEW
by: troy smithson

thank you so much my friend and yes my dad loved deer hunting to the max...i hate it that he didnt get to go the last two seasons due to his illness. i have his deer heads now and ill never get rid of them. i wish you could have met him he was a great person who would help people even if he didnt know them..again thank you

Aug 29, 2012
My condolances. NEW
by: Mac Olsen

My sincerest condolences on the death of your dad. My dad passed away three years ago at the age of 71. From the pictures I've seen, your dad really loved to hunt and those trophies are a testament to that. I love hunting too, and I will have my first trophy white-tailed buck on my wall by February 2013. Hunters are a special group of people and I would like to have gotten to know your dad. Again, my condolences.

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