December 19th Whitetail Photographs

These pictures are from the two weeks after buck season. We are almost guaranteed that these bucks are still with us.

We went back and compared our bucks with their pictures from last year and we aren't impressed with their growth. We're going to have to get them better food. The good acorn crop this year should help us with this. A mild winter would be nice too.

The eight point with the broken G-2 didn't show up again this week and the nine point was a no-show as well. The camera that was catching the nine point had some problems so maybe it was the cameras fault that we didn't get a picture of him.

It's interesting to see where the deer are now that all of the activity on our place has stopped. The pipeline is completed and the old well plugging is done. The bucks have moved back to the oldhouse and middle clearing where they all hung out in prior years. We're thinking about moving our three feed locations to spots more centrally located on the property. It will be interesting to see how the deer react.

Once again this week we didn't get any bobcat, coyote or black bear pictures.

This small buck showed up later in the fall and has stuck around. Another small eight point we saw all fall has disappeared.

Maybe it's a good thing I didn't see this buck in person this fall. It might have been hard to just look.

The overbite buck in the same pose.

This ten point has taken over this location.

Although not a trophy yet, this young fellow seems to have the genetics for a lot of height.

Here is the other ten point. He seems to stay on the fringe, but somehow he didn't wander off and get killed during the season.

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