December 5th Whitetail Photographs

This set of pictures is from the second week of buck season. This set of pictures is always an indicator of how our bucks survived. This year it looks like we didn't lose any of the four bucks we've been watching all summer and fall. I got to see two of them Friday evening when I went out to pick up our memory cards. The two bucks we picked up over the last month didn't show up on camera though, but we're not giving up yet since they weren't regulars.

We'll go looking for the eight point with the broken G-2 in a couple weeks. He showed up at an attractant a couple of weeks ago and laid down there so we'll try that spot again. We still have a camera where we caught the nine point so we hope he shows up there again this week.

We're glad to see that our two ten point bucks and two eight point bucks are still with us. We bothered our deer less this year than any year I can remember and it looks like they may have just stuck around our place. We know there were others hunting on neighboring properties and there was a good bit of shooting in those places. Compared to those spots we were quiet and calm.

This week we didn't get any bobcat, coyote or black bear pictures.

This isn't one of the smaller bucks we've seen all fall, but he could stick around.

The smaller of our two ten point bucks, who should be a real nice buck next year.

Here is the bigger ten point. He should be a real big deer next year.

We're not quite sure what this buck could grow into next year. A tall thick eight pointer would be nice.

This eight point buck just showed up a couple of weeks ago and we caught him again this week.

We held our breath all fall with this buck. He has the most potential to be a huge antlered buck next year.

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