Doe with her 3 Fawns

by Colton

Doe and Fawns

Doe and Fawns

I happened to come upon a doe with her 3 fawns feeding at my tripod feeder.

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Sep 22, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

Content and curriculum of the subjects is the base for the provision of information. The essayteam paper writing service abilities are provided for the cementing of the life. The great lives are provided and promoted on the lines of the modern patterns and methods.

Sep 22, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

Curriculum and content of the subjects is the foundation and base for the provision of knowledge and information. The skills and abilities are provided for the cementing of the feet and life. The lives are provided and promoted on the lines of the modern patterns and methods.

Jul 18, 2009
sweet pics
by: Morgan Yinger

Wow that is quite a picture. try going to youtube and searching "summmer pics 07" i got a video up under my name///Morgan yinger

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