First Buck First Bow Kill

by Randy
(Vermilion OH)

First Bow Kill

First Bow Kill

The day before I was out hunting and I saw six but they weren't in shooting range. I was seeing deer around six o'clock but no bucks. So the next day I got out around 3:30. Sure enough, six o'clock rolls around and here come the does. I turned and saw this buck coming from behind me, so I stood up slow. He was about 25 yards from me when I whistled to stop him, I fired a shot and he ran about 30 yards and laid down. So I sat down for a little while and sure enough next thing i know he's walking right toward my stand almost dragging his nose on the ground. So I let him get right under me and I put another one in him. Then he really took off and I heard him crash about 40 yards away in a thicket. I waited for a good 45 mins before my brother and I went to look for him. He is a pretty nice size 8 point a great first buck bow kill.

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Dec 06, 2009
Nice Buck
by: Anonymous

That's the problem with dow huntin they don't die easy and u rarly get a second shot.I like shooting them in the neck or spine with a bow. It puts them down in their tracks its tricky but worth the effort

May 20, 2009
by: James Whittemore

Nice buck Randy!!

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