Giant VA Buck!

Just got this guy on camera, so excited for opening day.

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Jun 26, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

The computer and internet are very necessary and vital sources of the success and triumph. Research work by beestessays writing services the data is collected and organized. The entire organization of the material of research is done on the machine of computer.

Sep 16, 2012
Shooter 4 sure!! NEW
by: Anonymous

Now thats a trophy in any area of the country. Atleast a 160 plus & maybe pushing a Booner!! Good Luck getting him in your sights this Fall. Jim

Sep 16, 2012
Shooter 4 sure!! NEW
by: Anonymous

Now thats a trophy in any area of the country. Atleast a 160 plus & maybe pushing a Booner!! Good Luck getting him in your sights this Fall. Jim

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