Half A Trophy

by Don Bartz
(West Valley NY )

Almost A Trophy

Almost A Trophy

Not really a trophy but I didn't see the little side, I only saw the big side. It was fun!

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Dec 08, 2010
Been there... Done that!
by: Anonymous

Shot one many years ago standing in the trees on a point in the field. He was still half in the bushes and all I could see was one side of a fair little rack that I thought to be a 4 x 4. He ran off around the point, and I pursued. Found a dead deer lying in the trees on the other side, but he had a little fork horn. Had to check him out, but I was sure he wasn't mine. Sure enough nice 4 point rack on one side, and little dinky fork horn on the other. He didn't taste any different though!

Dec 21, 2007
Still A Trophy
by: John

Sometimes they can fool you, but a trophy isn't always in the size of the antlers.

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