High Beams!

by Donnell

Alabama Buck

Alabama Buck

What a deer! And in Alabama, why go anywhere else?

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Oct 28, 2015
I have seen NEW
by: Ralph Leonard

I have seen plenty of them hanging on the meat poll or taken nice pictures of them at night.

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Aug 23, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

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Apr 12, 2010
not that big
by: Anonymous

don't get me wrong, i would love to have him on my camera-but-your deer's not that good. He probably wouldn't make the mid 120's. Just a nice 3 year old.

Apr 12, 2010
not that big
by: Anonymous

don't get me wrong, i would love to have him on my camera-but-your deer's not that good. He probably wouldn't make the mid 120's. Just a nice 3 year old.

Apr 11, 2010
West Virginia or Alabama????
by: Anonymous

For the previous poster. I live in Alabama and hunt in West Virgina, Wetzel county and up there the deer are average at best as a whole. Bama has some bruisers, let me tell ya. I havent been lucky enough to harvest one yet, but I have seen plenty of them hanging on the meat poll or taken nice pictures of them at night..... Dont get me wrong, I love hunting West Virgina and would not trade it for the world!!!

Feb 19, 2010
Nice Pic
by: Anonymous

You want to see a big buck come to West Virgina.

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