Honey I need more room!

by Craig Kraft
(Seffner, FL)

Full room

Full room

Minnesota deer shot off my property over the years.

152 B&C is the largest among many 140 class racks.

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Oct 04, 2011
Very nice Road Kills
by: Anonymous

Very nice Road Kills and night hunt shooters!!!! LOL. Hi, Craig. This is Randy D. Wallace of Richland Center, Wisconsin. I have tried to get a hold of you but, I just went online and found this site with you. I am so very sorry to hear of your dad's passing. Honest to God, I just saw it online today. Would love to talk to you sometime when you have the time. My cell number is 608-963-2544. My work number is 608-647-4900 or 1-888-398-6036. I look forward to hearing from you. Your classmate and good friend, Randy

Jul 15, 2009
by: Stud

I have the same problem at my house. Great post!!!

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