Illinois 11 Point

by Shawn Sipes

11 Point

11 Point

I hunted hard for two weeks during the rut and had plenty of close calls but just couldn't close the deal. Everybody knows how that is and how frustrating it can be to have a 4.5 year old within bow range and not being able to get it done, but anyhow the last two days of my hunt was gun season and now with a firearm I felt a lot more confident. The first day didn't produce much action and the second morning didn't either so I decided to take a walk down a draw that led to the river and do a little still hunting. When I spotted a doe feeding up a draw I stopped and glassed her, when I saw movement behind some brush beside her I just knew then it was a hot doe being tended by a mature buck. Not knowing how big he was I adjusted sightly to the side of the tree and spotted big horns I knew then it was a shooter. It was a long shot for todays slug gun but I knew it was my last chance buck so I picked a spot and let it fly.

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