Indiana Bucks

by Chris
(Gosport Indiana)

These are a few of the deer running around right behind my house in northern Owen County. Never really hunted there, always drove 15 mins to 1 hour and a half from my house. But now I think I have some other options.

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Aug 11, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

Internet is very effective and productive source for the production of data and knowledge of review the skills are required for the success and effectiveness. The discreteness is ensured and secured. The reformed are brought and implemented.

Jan 10, 2011
1 down
by: Anonymous

Neighbor shot the smaller of the 2 and it died just a few yards from where this picture was taken. But the other on is still running around Big and Proud. But the kicker is there is one almost twice the size of the bigger one, seen twice and is deffinately a Buck of a life time. Can't wait till Oct 2011.

Aug 18, 2010
Good luck with them !
by: James Whittemore

Great looking bucks

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