January 16, 2015 Whitetail Photographs

Our bucks have now started shedding their antlers. The smaller ten point has lost both antlers, one on about the 4th and the other around the 14th. One of the smaller bucks has also lost his and it sure looked like we got pictures of the overbite buck without his antlers.

We got all of our big bucks this time except for the nine point. We're hoping he already shed his antlers.

We tried to find the eight point with the broken G-2 by putting attractant in the spot we caught him hanging out a few weeks ago, but were unsuccessful. We only got pictures of does this time. We'll give up chasing this buck for now.

We found one side of the smaller ten near the feeder at the old house feeder. A rough measurement gave us about 46 inches of antler for the one side. Not quite a Pope and Young buck yet. We need him to eat a lot of protein feed.

Once again this week we didn't get any bobcat, coyote or black bear pictures even though Ryan saw some bobcat tracks.

Here's the smaller ten point buck on the 3rd not long before he shed one side.

Here he is on the fourth after shedding his left side.

The bigger ten point.

Our overbite eight point. We're pretty sure we have pictures of him later without his antlers.

The big eight point buck. We really want to find these antlers when he sheds them.

I'm not sure if we've put this buck on the picture page before. He's got interesting potential.

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