July 25th Whitetail Photographs

We're hitting late July so we're pretty much seeing what we're going to have for bucks this year. The four bucks we watched from last year have grown this year to give us two tens and two eights. We'll keep watching them the next couple of weeks to see just how wide and high they can grow.

With two ten point bucks you would think that this could be one of our best years, but we're not so sure yet. We'll have to compare them to past years to see how we stack up. My early guess is that we're a year from having truly big bucks.

We got pictures of our bucks this week, but it was a tough camera week. We had three 9 volt batteries die on three cameras in our best locations. We also had a camera at our apple trees and we got a lot of pictures, but we had the camera a little too far away. We've made adjustments for the next week to see if we can get some good pictures and, of course, we replaced three batteries.

We found a dead fawn this week not far from where got a picture of a bobcat. Are the two related? Who knows, but it's sure quite a coincidence. Make sure you check out the bobcat pictures page this week and you can take a look at the bobcat.

This big eight point is going to be a real nice buck, but he was pushed around by the ten point last year.

Another nice fawn picture at the same location.

A small eight point that seemed to dominate this feeder.

This ten point only showed up in the fringes of pictures at this feeder.

This ten point could be our biggest buck this year and had the big eight points number last year.

The tall eight point with the strange overbite.

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