July 5th Whitetail Photos

We didnt' have any camera or feeder malfunctions this week and we got some better pictures. The bucks are unpredictable, probably due to an abundance of natural food, but we got some decent pictures this week. We got pictures of three eight point bucks, but only one is going to be a truly big buck.

One camera on one food plot in the woods gave us some nice pictures and the one at the end of the hayfield caught one six point but the other two didn't produce much so we've moved them.

We didn't get any pictures of the wounded buck this week. Hopefully he's filling up with high protein feed to grow his antlers. Thankfully we got pictures of some other bucks.

This week a black bear stopped by for a visit on Friday evening just before we arrived and knocked over one of our feeders. Take look at our black bear page to see him up close.

This weeks pictures were taken with our Trail Watcher Researcher, Bigfoot SLE, Stalkercam, Trail Watcher 2060 and Treebark Cameras 4.1.

We caught this buck with a new camera location that has paid off in the past.  This may be the wounded buck.  Bigfoot SLE

A five point up close at one of our mineral licks. StalkerCam

Two young bucks, both just young fellas. Treebark Cameras 4.1

The white foot buck in one of our food plots. Trail Watcher 2060

An eight point that has to come on strong this month to be a truly nice buck. Trail Watcher 2060

This buck could be a big one if he gets a growth spurt this month. Trail Watcher Researcher

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