July 29 Deer Pictures

Two weeks ago I recovered our pictures from a mineral lick and there wasn't a picture worth putting on here.  It was a little disappointing, but this spot hasn't given us the best pictures in the past so I wasn't surprised.  This past week I put the camera on our apple trees with a little better results.  I did get one picture of an eight point buck, but he's in the dark and it's not the best picture.  Putting the picture on here will help us remember that he's in the area.

We got a couple other pictures that are interesting and we hope you enjoy them.

I think this may be a first.  This crow flew in for a close-up.

If you take my  word for it, this is an eight point.  Wide with short tines.

A trophy spike!

Some deer wait until the apples fall to the ground........Others don't.

Take a look at all of our Whitetail Deer Photographs.
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