June 19 Deer Pictures

We left our camera out for almost a month this time.  Once again the bobcats, coyotes and black bear failed to show up, but we did get a picture of a groundhog.  We also finally got our first fawn picture.  We'd been hoping to catch one on camera.  I guess it just means that the cycle continues.  Plus they are cute little buggers.

I jumped a fawn out of some thick stuff right behind our barn while I was mowing and it tried to run right through a fence. So I did what any level headed guy would do and yelled for it to go around the fence!  You would have done the same thing...........Right?

We did get some buck pictures.  Nothing over 200 inches yet.

Here is one of the bucks.  It looks like his left side is longer that his right.  Could be an interesting one.

Another monster buck.  Not likely to be our biggest this year.  He needs to get a lot of these minerals.

Another branching out.  He's got a ways to go too.

This is a rare sight on our property these days.  40 years ago we shot every groundhog we could and couldn't make a dent in the population.  Today it's news when we see one.

Wait till you see the antlers this fellow grows after consuming this salt and mineral block.

Our first fawn picture on 2020.  Starting him on minerals young.

Take a look at all of our Whitetail Deer Photographs.
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