Kensington Georgia Big Seven Pointer

by Jonathan Helton

My Monster

My Monster

This is a story about following your gut. All 2011 deer season I hadn't seen much of anything. I had plenty of trail cam pics of big bucks ,but I just didn't see them in the woods. So I decided to move to the other side of the property I'm allowed to hunt. My dad told me to stay put and be patient. But I just couldn't do it. So I moved my stand and the next Saturday I get up and go hunting. It was a pretty cold morning and I was freezing. I thought to myself I don't know how much longer I can take this. I turn my head and out comes a big doe and right behind her is a huge buck. I looked at his body and then his rack. I couldn't tell how many points he had, but I knew he was big. So I waited till I had a clear shot and I took it. My 30-06 dropped the deer. The doe took off like a rocket. I waited about 15 minutes and that seemed like forever. When I climed down my tree and took about 10 steps out comes a small 4 pointer. This young deer must have never seen a dead deer before because he just wouldn't leave. Then suddenly out comes a doe, she sees the dead buck and the 4 pointer and bolts off. Finally I have to scare the 4 pointer off just to get a look at my trophy. I can see that there isn't any ground shrinkage. He's a big 7 point with a 17 inch inside spread. This deer makes sitting in the cold all worth it!!!

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Feb 20, 2012
great job (: NEW
by: Emily Helton

fantastic job jonathan i thoght you went up in the woods and took a nap for hours butt i guess not. i'm proud of you! (:

Feb 20, 2012
love it NEW
by: emily helton

i love u jonathan u did go i thit u just went up there and went to sleep but i guess not great job on ur buck (:

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