Large Coyote

by Jesse DePietro
(Kennerdell, PA. USA)

Large Coyote in Kennerdell, PA.

Large Coyote in Kennerdell, PA.

I was walking in the woods on my property in Kennerdell, PA. taking pictures of deer. I spotted 3 deer running through the field. Behind them I saw this large coyote. He stopped and looked at me and I took this photo.

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Oct 17, 2015
Great NEW
by: Greg Norman

Wow great. No way dude thats sooo a wolf nick named the raffi wolf!!!
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Aug 20, 2015
Large Coyote NEW
by: Anonymous

You ought to chase them from the beginning. I have spent endless hours in treestands for deer and just ever saw 2(both of which I killed) in actually days of chasing. They don't travel designs the way deer do. Online Essay Help .You need to get in open woods or the edge of a field where you can see far and call. In the event that it appears to be sad following an hour or somewhere in the vicinity simply move to another spot and begin calling once more. Coyotes will make a great deal of progress so it just takes one moving so as to go through to hear you call, so always, you have a much better risk of calling one in. Good fortunes, it's generally a smart thought to dispose of the coyotes.

Jan 06, 2012
Kona the wolf still lives NEW
by: Anonymous

Your Dads wolf got out dude.

May 05, 2011
its a wolf!
by: Anonymous

nooooo way dude thats sooo a wolf nick named the raffi wolf!!!

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