Large Ten Point Buck

by Joseph Smith
(Bainbridge Indiana)

How old is that buck? Is that a shooter buck?

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Jul 15, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

All the educated people should learn their higher education. Higher education gives the opportunities to the educated people to make the name in the society with the help of service. Educated people always make their name in the society.

Jul 15, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

All the educated people should learn their higher education. Higher education gives the opportunities to the educated people to make the name in the society with the help of service. Educated people always make their name in the society.

Dec 24, 2011
hes a shooter NEW
by: brandon

hell yeah its a shooter hes bout 4 years old if u get a chance take him b4 somebody else does

Jul 26, 2011
shooter oh yeah
by: Anonymous

This buck is at least a 3year old & a shooter most places in America- some game managers might want to wait to see him develope a little more in his prime(5/6 yrs)if he was on managed property. Nice buck regardless- good spread & tine length. Jim

Nov 20, 2010
Ten Point
by: James Whittemore

Very nice buck,thanks for sharing

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