Lewis County, Ky 10 & 8 point

by Larry Stacy
(Lewis Co., Ky)

10 & 8 point

10 & 8 point

The 10 point was my first deer,it has a 17 inch inside spread and scored 140 after deduction's. I took it with the same 12 gauge shotgun as I did the 11 pointer in the other picture, a model 1200 Winchester. I got it the opening morning of gun season 1991. The 8 point I hate to say tore up a nice Oldsmobile I had just fixed up and was on my way to work one night. I honestly tried my best to miss him because I had invested a lot of money in the car, which went down the drain when I slid into the monster at 45 miles per hour. He has a 20 inch inside spread and scored 152 after deduction's, it would have been so much nicer to have hunted him instead.

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Apr 12, 2009
by: Anonymous

good deer by any standard!

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